Sunday, June 5, 2011

Sendai Tansu! 仙台箪笥


today I would like to talk about Sendai Tansu.

Sendai Tansu is born end of Edo period, in order to put in Kimono without folding and to put Katana(japanese sord). the basic type of Sendai tansu is 48inch wide and 36inch hight. To put in valuable things inside there is single door drawers. this called Yaro tansu. Carpenter does the wodden part and painter paint laquer and swordsmith or decolater does metal decolation.

木工部分は大工が手がけ、塗屋が漆を塗り、刀鍛冶や飾職人が 金具を作るという分業で製作されています。

The old tansu is made of Cyder and Keyaki or Kuri is used only on front part. The metal decolaion has been changed from mark and ivy to clane and turtles, later on it became dragons and lions.

In Sannaka-WEST we have several Sendai tansus.

please come and have look!

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