Tuesday, June 7, 2011

お天気 The weather


There were lightning and a thunder sound repeatedly many times last week.

Depending on a district, a house seemed to shake by this sound. It was a terrible sound.

私のご近所さんも「授業中にこの音が何度もしたら生徒たちはパニックになるね」と言っていました。My neighbor said, "it was for a panic as for students if they heard this sound many times during class".

でも、今は夏休みですね。Now they are enjoying summer holiday!

子供たちは家の窓からライトニングを見ていたのかしら?Did children watch lightning from the window of the house?

デザインセンターも停電にはならなかったです。Here In the Design Center, it was not cut off either.

今週のお天気はどうでしょうか?What about the weather this week?

月曜日は1日中お天気はよかったですね。It was quite nice day on Monday.

Tuesday,It will be a warm day and more tradewind.

水曜日、木曜日はシャワー(小雨)が降ります。Wednesday and Thursday will have more shower.

週末はお天気になるといいですね。I wish it will be a good day again in the weekend.

雨の日も晴れの日もサンナカウェストは営業しております。Sannaka-WEST, we are opening every day, rainy day and sunny day.

すばらしい階段箪笥、可愛い小物やきれいなお皿も売っています。We are selling a beautiful step tansu, pretty goods and beautiful dishes.

どうぞお店へお越しください。Please take a look and visit us to our store!

We located Gentry Design Pacific center, next Kmart HONOLULU.

**See You again**(*・∀・*)ノ

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